Steno-K+ Notationissimple+fast+fun+e-z+makes youLQQK SMART!Steno-K+ Notation
Found Jesus?
1 day down by a river, a preacher
just baptized a young lady. A
few minutes
later, a drunk, non-religious
man walked
by the river.

The preacher called out to him,
"Are you ready
to find Jesus?"

The drunk said, "YES!"

The preacher got him into the water,
him in and then raised him
back up. He asked,
"Have you

The drunk said, "NO!"

The preacher again dipped him in
and raised
him back up. The preacher
asked again, "Have you
found Jesus?"

The drunk again said, "NO!"

The preacher dipped him and raised
him up
for a 3rd time. He asked again,
"Have you found

The drunk asked, "Are you

sure he fell in here?"The Net perks U UP... like a "GOOD" cup of Java... yah! :-D

Order any "set of 10" jokes transcribed into Steno-K+ Notation.Up, please. :oI